June 21, 2011. Tonight's episode featured co-host Danny Sage from NYC's D Generation! We played tunes that influenced our respective bands. Tommy Unit LIVE!! on the Real Punk Radio Network. Tuesday at 10:00pm-11:00pm Eastern Time.
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Backyard Babies - Everybody Ready?!
The Beatles - Helter Skelter
The Ramones - Judy Is A Punk
Sex Pistols - E.M.I
Turbonegro - Denim Demon
Sweet - Fox on the Run
Billy Bragg - A New England
The Clash - The Clash
Blondie - Detroit 442
Bad Brains - Sailin' On
The Methadones - Revitalized
Green Day - Armatage Shanks
Social Distortion - Live Before You Die
The Stimulators - Loud Fast Rules
The Germs - The Other Newest One
Alice Cooper - Mr. And Misdemeanor